
Anders Moberg

My research deals with climatic changes in the past.

My PhD thesis from 1996 concerned air temperature changes in Stockholm and Uppsala, in southern Sweden, since the 18th century. Thereafter I have gained experience from development and analyses of global and European temperature datasets.

Overall, my research has mainly been devoted to paleoclimate studies of the last 1000 to 2000 years; in particular how to evaluate climate model simulations against climate reconstructions from proxy data using statistical methods.

Information about the Stockholm historical weather observations, with data and graphics for download, is available at the Bolin Centre Database.

(The set of figures shown here below is not longer updated. See the site at the Bolin Centre Database for more recent data.)

Stockholm temperature series 1756-2018

Stockholm diurnal mean temperatures
in each year from 1756 to 2019
compared to statistics for the
 250-year period 1756-2005